From December 4 to 5, the 2021 Shenzhen International Conference on Frontiers of Statistics and Data Science was held at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). The event was organized by the Department of Statistics and Data Science (STAT-DS) and co-organized by the SUSTech International Center for Mathematics.
More than 500 attendees from Harvard University, Cambridge University, Stanford University, Peking University, and other distinguished universities participated in the event. The conference was held in a combination of both online and offline.
Qi-Man SHAO, Head of STAT-DS, said that through this annual conference, he hopes it provides a high-level exchange platform for people in statistics and data science and contributes to the economic and social development of SUSTech, Shenzhen, and the Greater Bay Area (GBA).
11 well-known scholars in the field of statistics and data science gave keynote lectures throughout the two-day event. This included Prof. Tony CAI from the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), Tong ZHANG from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Prof. Zhaojun WANG from Nankai University (NKU), Prof. Richard Samworth from Cambridge University, and Academicians from various scientific academies, such as Songxi CHEN and Pingwen ZHANG from Peking University, Prof. Xiao-Li MENG from Harvard University, Prof. Shige PENG from Shandong University, Prof. Wing Hùng WONG from Stanford University, Prof. Zongben XU from Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), and Prof. Zhihua ZHOU from Nanjing University.
The conference also invited three young scholars to give reports on the development status, trends, and opportunities and challenges faced by the frontiers of statistics and data science. Afterward, they held in-depth discussions around these topics.
The Shenzhen International Conference on Frontiers of Statistics and Data Science promotes the exchange of the latest research results in the field of statistics and data science. It discusses the latest developments and trends, strengthens the integration of related disciplines, and attracts many young scholars with different academic backgrounds and research expertise to participate in the forum.