

Revealing the Predictability of Intrinsic Structure in Complex Networks

Prof. Yanqing Hu, Sun Yat-sen University

2020-10-23 10:30-11:30

Room 307, Lychee Hills No.2

An improved Bayesian information criterion for high dimensional analysis

Prof. ZHOU Wang,National University of Singapore

2020-10-13 10:30-11:30

Tencent Meeting ID: 428 822 127 Password: 1013

Can’t Ridge Regression Perform Variable Selection?

Prof. Yichao WU

2020-09-21 10:30-11:30

Tencent Meeting ID: 603 817 181 Password: 0921

Bayesian Quantile Non-homogeneous Hidden Markov Models

Prof. TANG Yanlin,East China Normal University

2020-08-31 15:30-16:30

Room 518, Hui Yuan No.3 / Tencent Meeting ID:203 618 757

A Consistent Independence Test via Projected Mutual Information


2020-08-31 14:30-15:30

Room 518, Hui Yuan No.3 / Tencent Meeting ID:203 618 757

Mediation Analysis and Mendelian Randomization in Genetic/Epigenetic Studies

Dr. LIU Zhonghua, The University of Hong Kong

2020-08-31 13:30-14:30

Room 518, Hui Yuan No.3 / Tencent Meeting ID:203 618 757



2020-08-17 15:00-17:00



Prof. Hengjian CUI(崔恒建教授)

2020-07-06 16:00-17:00

Tencent Meeting ID:475 683 910


Prof. Niansheng TANG(唐年胜教授)

2020-07-06 15:00-16:00

Tencent Meeting ID: 475 683 910

Statistical Inferences of Linear Forms for Noisy Matrix Completion

Prof. Dong XIA (夏冬教授)

2020-06-30 16:00-17:00

Tencent Meeting ID:497 171 876