

  • 简历
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  • 教学
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田国梁,南方科技大学统计与数据科学系教授、博士生导师。1988年获得武汉大学统计学硕士学位、1998年获得中国科学院应用数学研究所的统计学博士学位。从1998至2002年, 他分别在北京大学概率统计系和美国田纳西州孟斐斯市的 St. Jude 儿童研究医院生物统计系从事博士后研究, 2002年至2008年他在美国马里兰大学医学院和Marlene and Stewart Greenbaum Comprehensive 癌症中心任 Senior  Biostatistician。2008年至2016年他在香港大学统计及精算学系任副教授、博士生导师。田教授是国际统计学会 (ISI) 当选会员, 他担任 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Statistics and Its Interface 等四个国际统计学杂志的副主编。他主要的研究领域是生物统计, 计算统计和社会统计。目前的研究方向包括多元零膨胀计数数据分析、斜与非对称连续数据分析,  (0, 1) 区间上连续比率数据(以及其推广, 即成份数据)的统计分析, 不完全分类数据分析, 和大维随机矩阵的理论方法及应用。他首次提出的分组 Dirichlet 分布、套Dirichlet 分布和G分布在统计分布领域属于创造性的工作, 在生物统计中具有广泛而重要的应用; 他将非随机化的概念引入到敏感性问题的随机化应答技术中, 发展了一个称之为非随机化应答技术的新研究方向。他首次提出了一个新的组装分解 (assembly-decomposition) 方法用以构造MM算法中的替代函数, 为MM算法在统计学中的广泛应用开辟了新的通道. 2017年他的研究课题“MM算法中的几类问题之研究及其应用”>获得国家自然科学基金面上项目的资助。2018年他(排名第二)与南方科技大学环境科学与工程学院郑焰讲席教授的联合研究课题<<中国北方地下水砷不同尺度空间非均质性驱动机制>> 获得国家自然科学基金重点项目的资助。


生物统计:多元零膨胀计次型数据分析,  斜与非对称连续数据分析,  (0, 1) 区间上连续比率数据与成分数据分析

计算统计:EM算法,  MM算法



2019.08.22 – 至今,            南方科技大学,  统计与数据科学系,  统计学教授

2016.08.01 – 2019.08.21,  南方科技大学,  数学系,  统计学教授

2008.09.01 – 2016.07.31,  香港大学,  统计与精算学系,  统计学副教授

2002.07.01 – 2008.08.31,  马里兰大学(巴尔的摩市, 马里兰州, 美国)医学院,  流行病学和预防医学系,  Instructor

2002.07.01 – 2008.08.31,  马里兰大学Greenbaum Comprehensive 癌症中心, 生物统计学部, Senior Biostatistician

2000.05.01 – 2002.06.30,  St. Jude 儿童研究医院 (孟菲斯市, 田纳西州, 美国), 生物统计系, 博士后

1998.09.01 – 2000.04.30,  北京大学, 概率统计系, 博士后

1988.08.01 – 1995.08.31,  航空航天工业部, 中国运载火箭研究院, 702研究所, 助理工程师, 工程师, 高級工程师


1995.9 – 1998.7       中国科学院应用数学研究所 (其中有一年在香港浸会大学数学系),  北京,  统计学专业,  统计学博士

1985.9 – 1988.7       武汉大学,  武汉,  统计学系,  统计学硕士

1981.9  1985.7       湖南师范大学,  长沙,  数学系,  理学学士


2017  入选深圳市海外高层次人才 "孔雀计划" (B类)


2000.5 – 至今 Member, American Statistical Association

2000.5 – 至今 Permanent Member,  International Chinese Statistical Association

2014.6 – 至今 Elected member,  International Statistical Institute (ISI)


2016.11 – 2020.11  中国现场统计研究会试验设计分会第10届理事会常务理事

2016.11  2020.11  中国数学会均匀设计分会第6届理事会常务理事

2018.11  2022.11  中国数学会概率统计分会第11届理事会常务理事

2018.11  2022.11  全国工业统计学教学研究会常务理事

2018.11  2023.11  高等教育出版社 "现代统计学系列丛书" 第2届编委会委员

2019.04 – 2022.04  中国现场统计研究会高维数据统计分会第5届理事会常务理事

2019.11  2023.11  广东省本科高校统计类专业教学指导委员会副主任委员


Statistics and Its Interface, 2013 --

Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2013 --
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2013 --

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2014 --


Statistical Methods in Medical Research [Impact Factor=4.472; Ranking No. 1 in the category of biostatistics, 2014 JCR, ISI Web Knowledge] (6 papers)

  1. Shen X, Ma CX, Yuen KC and Tian GL* (2019). Common risk difference test and interval estimation of risk difference for stratified bilateral correlated data, 28(8), 2418-2438.

  2. Tian GL, JU D,Yuen KC and Zhang C* (2018). New expectation-maximization-type algorithms via stochastic representation for the analysis of truncated normal data with applications in biomedicine, 27(8), 2459-2477.

  3. Tian GL, Zhang C* and Jiang XJ (2018). Valid statistical inference methods for a case-control study with missing data, 27(4), 1001–1023.

  4. Tian GL and Li HQ (2017). A new framework of statistical inferences based on the valid joint sampling distribution of observed counts in an incomplete contingency table, 26(4) 1712–1736.

  5. Tian GL, Tang ML, Wu Q and Liu Y (2017). Poisson and negative binomial item count techniques for surveys with sensitive question, 26(2), 931–947.

  6. Tian GL, Tang ML, Liu ZQ, Tan M and Tang NS (2011). Sample size determination for the non-randomized triangular model for sensitive questions in a survey, 20(3), 159-173.  

Statistics in Medicine [Impact Factor=1.825; Ranking No. 3 in the category of biostatistics, 2014 JCR, ISI Web Knowledge] (7 papers)

  1. Pei YB, Tian GL and Tang ML (2014). Testing homogeneity of proportion ratios for stratified correlated bilateral data in two-arm randomize clinical trials, 33(25), 4370-4386.

  2. Tang ML, Ling MH, Ling L and Tian GL (2010). Confidence intervals for a difference between proportions based on paired data, 29(1), 86-96.

  3. Tang ML, Ling MH and Tian GL (2009). Exact and approximate unconditional confidence intervals for proportion difference in the presence of incomplete data, 28, 625-641.

  4. Tian GL, Yu JW, Tang ML and Geng Z (2007). A new non-randomized model for analyzing sensitive questions with binary outcomes, 26(23), 4238-4252.

  5. Fang HB, Tian GL, Xiong XP and Tan M (2006). A multivariate random-effects model with restricted parameters: Application to assessing radiation therapy for brain tumors, 25(11), 1948-1959.

  6. Tan M, Fang HB, Tian GL and Houghton PJ (2005). Repeated-measures models with constrained parameters for incomplete data in tumor xenograft experiments, 24(1), 109-119.

  7. Tan M, Fang HB, Tian GL and Houghton PJ (2003). Experimental design and sample size determination for testing synergism in drug combination studies based on uniform measures, 22(13), 2091-2100.

Biometrics [Impact Factor=1.568; Ranking No. 4 in the category of biostatistics, 2014 JCR, ISI Web Knowledge] (1 paper)

  1. Tan M, Fang HB, Tian GL and Houghton PJ (2002). Small-sample inference for incomplete longitudinal data with truncation and censoring in tumor xenograft models, 58(3), 612-620.

Statistica Sinica (6 papers)

  1. Tian GL, Huang XF* and Xu JF (2019). An assembly and decomposition approach for constructing separable minorizing functions in a class of MM algorithms, 29, 961-982.

  2. Huang XF, Xu JF* and Tian GL (2019). On profile MM algorithms for gamma frailty survival models, 29, 895-916.

  3. Ng KW, Tang ML, Tian GL and Tan M (2009). The nested Dirichlet distribution and incomplete categorical data analysis, 19(1), 251-271.

  4. Tan M, Tian GL, Fang HB and Ng KW (2007). A fast EM algorithm for quadratic optimization subject to convex constraints, 17(3), 945-964.

  5. Tan M, Tian GL and Ng KW (2003). A non-iterative sampling method for computing posteriors in the structure of EM-type algorithms, 13(3), 625-639.

  6. Tian GL, Ng KW and Geng Z (2003). Bayesian computation for contingency tables with incomplete cell-counts, 13(1), 189-206.

一. 得奖 (Awards)

2011 – 2012 Research Output Prize, Faculty of Science of the University of Hong Kong (A monetary award of HK$120,000 for research purposes)

二. 基金 (Grants)

1. Completed in China, USA and HKU

1.1 09/1/1998-08/31/2001, AD19820224, Natural Science Foundation of China. Co-Investigator (30% contribution)

1.2 01/1/1999-12/31/2000, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. The second class. Principal-Investigator.

1.3 04/1/2004-3/31/2008,   R01 CA106767 (PI: Prof Ming TAN), US$890,000, Division of Biostatistics, University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Title: Design and Analysis of Pre-clinical Combination Studies.

This grant is to develop innovative methods to optimally design and efficiently analyze  pre-clinical drug combination therapies in cancer by integrating concepts in modern statistical and number-theoretic methods and pharmacology. 

Role: Co-Investigator (15% effort).

1.4 09/30/2005-08/31/2007, R03 CA119758 (PI: Tan M), US$150,000, Division of Biostatistics, University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center,Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Title: Design and Analysis for Cancer Epidemiology Studies.

This grant is to develop innovative statistical methods for addressing the difficult issues of multiplicity in current cancer etiology.

Role: Co-Investigator (35% effort).

1.5 01/AUG/2009-01/JAN/2011, HKU Small Project Funding,

Account Code: 10400566.07227.25900.323.01

Project Code: 2009-0717-6166

Award (HK$): 66,667

Principal Investigator: Professor KW Ng

Co-Investigator: Dr. GL TIAN

Project Title: Further Properties and New Applications for the Family of Nested Dirichlect Distributions

1.6   01/APR/2010-30/SEP/2011, HKU Seed Funding Program for Basic Research,

Account Code: 10400779.40058.25900.301.01

Project Code: 2009-1115-9042

Award (HK$): 120,000

Principal Investigator: Dr. GL TIAN

Project Title: Accelerating the Quadratic Lower-Bound (QLB) Algorithm via Optimizing Shrinkage Parameter

1.7   01/NOV/2010-30/APR/2013 (Two Years and Six Months), Hong Kong RGC – General Research Fund 2010/2011 Exercise Year

Panel: Biology & Medicine

Account Code: 10500172.40058.25900.324.01

Project Code: HKU 779210M

Award (HK$): 605,393 + 50,000

Principal Investigator: Dr. GL TIAN

Project Title: New Non-randomized Response Techniques for Survey with Sensitive Questions in the Epidemiological and Public Studies      

1.8   01/APR/2011-30/SEP/2012, HKU Seed Funding Program for Basic Research,

Account Code: 10401511.40058.25900.301.01

Project Code: 2010-1115-9010

Award (HK$): 58,000

Principal Investigator: Dr. GL TIAN

Project Title: A New Feature Selection Method for Generalized Linear Models with Correlated Covariates

1.9   01/MAR/2012-28/FEB/2013, HKU Small Project Funding,

Account Code: 10401944.40058.25900.301.01

Project Code: 2011-0917-6166

Award (HK$): 36,800

Principal Investigator: Dr. GL TIAN

Project Title: Variable Selection via Least Absolute Deviation Regression with a Diverging Number of Parameters

1.10   01/MAR/2013-28/FEB/2014, HKU Small Project Funding,

Account Code: 104002611.040058.25900.301.01

Project Code: 2012-0917-6071

Award (HK$): 69,575

Principal Investigator: Dr. GL TIAN

Project Title: G and Related Distributions with Applications in Reliability Growth Analysis

Final Report Due Date: 28/05/2014

1.11   01/MAY/2014-30/OCT/2015, HKU Small Project Funding,

Account Code: 104002924.040058.25900.301.01

Project Code: 2013-0917-6038

Award (HK$): 64,343

Principal Investigator: Dr. GL TIAN

Project Title: A New MM Algorithm for Constrained Estimation in the Proportional Hazards Model     

Final Report Due Date: 28/05/2015        


1.12   01/MAR/2015-29/FEB/2016, HKU Small Project Funding,

Account Code: 104003745.040058.25900.301.01

Project Code: 2014-0917-6008

Award (HK$): 59,222

Principal Investigator: Dr. GL TIAN

Project Title: Poisson and Negative Binomial Item Count Techniques for Surveys with Sensitive Question     

Final Report Due Date: 29/05/2016

2. On-going in SUSTech

2.1  01/JAN/2018-31/DEC/2021, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11771199),  面上项目

Award (RMB): 480,000

Principal Investigator: Prof. GL TIAN

Project Title: Studies of Several Topics in Minorization-Maximization (MM) Algorithms with Applications    

2.2  01/JAN/2019-31/DEC/2023, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Key Item (No. 4183000045), 重点项目

Award (RMB): 3,373,500

Principal Investigator: Prof. Yan ZHENG, 南方科技大学环境科学与工程学院

Co- Investigator: Prof. GL TIAN (Ranking No. 2 out of 15), 总人数15, 排名第二

Project Title: Unraveling the Geological and Hydrogeochemical Factors Controlling the Spatial Heterogeneity of Groundwater Arsenic at Regional and Local Scales (中国北方地下水砷不同尺度空间非均质性驱动机制)

MPhil/PhD Students Supervised at UMBC and UMB

1. Miss Mathangi Gopalakrishnan, MS in Biostatistics, 2007. Secondary Supervisor; 

Primary Supervisor: Professor Ming T. TAN (A joint MS biostatistics program between University of Maryland at Baltimore County and University of Maryland at Baltimore).

Thesis TitleAnalyzing zero-inflated count data using non-iterative Bayesian sampling.

MPhil/PhD Students Supervised at HKU

2. Miss Huitian XUE, MPhil, 1/01/2010-31/12/2011, Secondary Supervisor; 

 Primary Supervisor: Professor KW NG.

 Thesis TitleMaximum likelihood estimation of parameters with constraints in normal and multinomial distributions 

3. Miss Xiqian DING, MPhil, 1/09/2012-30/11/2014, Sole Supervisor.

Thesis TitleSome new statistical methods for a class of zero-truncated discrete distributions with applications 

4. Miss Yin LIU, PhD, 1/09/2011-31/08/2015, Sole Supervisor.

Thesis TitleThe generalization of the non-randomized parallel model and item count technique in surveys with sensitive questions

5. Mr. Da JU, PhD, 1/09/2012-31/08/2016, Secondary Supervisor; Primary Supervisor: Professor KC YUEN

Thesis TitleLikelihood-based methods for constrained parameter problems

6. Miss Xaolin ZHENG, 1/09/2014-31/08/2016, Primary Supervisor; Secondary Supervisor: Dr. Philip LH YU

Thesis TitleEM and MM algorithms for a class of left-truncated discrete models

7. Miss Chi ZHANG, PhD, 1/11/2013-31/10/2017, Primary Supervisor (1/11/2013-31/07/2016) and Secondary Supervisor (1/08/2016-31/10/2017); Primary Supervisor: Professor KC YUEN (1/08/2016-31/10/2017).

Thesis TitleIncomplete categorical data, inflated count data analyses and robust modeling with applications

8. Miss Xifen HUANG, PhD, 1/11/2014-31/10/2018, Supervisor (1/11/2014-31/07/2016) and Secondary Supervisor (1/08/2016-31/10/2018); Primary Supervisor: Dr JF XU (1/08/2016-31/10/2018).

Thesis TitleA unified minorization-maximization approach for fast and accurate estimation in high-dimensional  parametric and semiparametric models

MPhil/PhD Students Supervised at SUSTech

9. Mr. Pengyi LIU, PhD, 1/09/2017-31/08/2021, Primary Supervisor; Joint Primary Supervisor: Professor KC YUEN [A joint PhD program between SUSTech and The University of Hong Kong]

10. Mr. Xiao KE, PhD, 1/09/2017-31/08/2020, Primary Supervisor; Joint Primary Supervisor: Dr. TJ TONG [A joint PhD program between SUSTech and Hong Kong Baptist University]

11. Mr. Ruiwei ZHOU, MPhil, 1/09/2017-31/08/2019, Primary Supervisor [A joint MPhil program between SUSTech and Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)]

12. Miss Yuan SUN, PhD, 1/09/2018-31/08/2022, Primary Supervisor [A joint MPhil program between SUSTech and HIT]

13. Mr. Jiaxin QIU, MPhil, 1/09/2018-31/08/2020, Primary Supervisor [A joint MPhil program between SUSTech and HIT]

14. Mr. Xuzhi YANG, MPhil, 1/09/2018-31/08/2020, Primary Supervisor [A joint MPhil program between SUSTech and HIT]

15. Miss Caifen LIU, MPhil, 1/09/2019-31/08/2020, Primary Supervisor [A joint MPhil program between SUSTech and HIT]

16. Mr. Xunjian LI, PhD, 1/09/2019-31/08/2023, Primary Supervisor, SUSTech

17. Mr. Xuanyu LIU, MPhil, 1/09/2020-31/08/2022, Primary Supervisor, SUSTech

18. Miss Chaolin TIAN, MPhil, 1/09/2020-31/08/2022, Primary Supervisor, SUSTech

19. Mr. Yonggui ZHOU, MPhil, 1/09/2019-31/08/2021, Primary Supervisor, SUSTech

Teaching at HKU


STAT2802/3902     Statistical Models

STAT3317/6011     Computational Statistics

STAT3304              Computer-aided Statistical Modeling

STAT3331/3621     Statistical Data Analysis

STAT2307              Statistics in Clinical Medicine and Bio-medical Research

STAT7005              Multivariate Methods


MAT7008/MA413   Advanced Statistics, 2016 Autumn Semester

MA204                    Mathematical Statistics,   2017, 2018, 2019 Spring Semester 

MAT7035                Computational Statistics, 2017, 2018, 2019 Autumn Semester


·     Area 1: Multivariate zero-inflated count data analysis 

             (10 papers; Current Research Interest)



1.     Zhang C, Tian GL, Yuen KC, Wu Q and Li T* (2020). Multivariate zero-and-one inflated Poisson model with applications. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 365, Article: 112356.

2.     Liu Y, Tian GL*, Tang ML and Yuen KC (2019). A new multivariate zero-adjusted Poisson model with applications to biomedicine. Biometrical Journal 61, 1340-1370.

3.     Tian GL, Ding XQ, Liu Y* and Tang ML (2019). Some new statistical methods for a class of zero-truncated discrete distributions with applications. Computational Statistics 34, 1393-1426.

4.     Tian GL, Liu Y*, Tang ML and Jiang XJ (2018). Type I multivariate zero-truncated / adjusted Poisson distributions with applications. Journal of Computational and applied Mathematics344, 132-153.

5.     Huang XF, Tian GL*, Zhang C and Jiang XJ (2017). Type I multivariate zero-inflated generalized Poisson distribution with applications. Statistics and Its Interface 10(2), 291-311.

6.     Zhang C, Tian GL* and Ng KW (2016). Properties of the zero-and-one-inflated Poisson distribution and likelihood-based inference methods. Statistics and Its Interface 9(1), 11-32.

7.     Ding XQ, JU D and Tian GL (2015). Multivariate zero-truncated/adjusted Charlier series distributions with applications. Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications, Volume 2, Article 5DOI: 10.1186/s40488-015-0029-5, http://www.jsdajournal.com/content/2/1/5

8.     Tian GL, Ma HJ, Zhou Y and Deng DL (2015). Generalized endpoint-inflated binomial model. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 89, 97-114.

9.     Zhang C, Tian GL and Huang XF (2015). Two new bivariate zero-inflated generalized Poisson distributions with a flexible correlation structure. Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing 3, 105-137.

10.  Liu Y and Tian GL (2015). Type I multivariate zero-inflated Poisson distribution with applications. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 83, 200-222.


·     Area 2: Continuous proportional and compositional data analysis 

             (1 paper; Current Research Interest)



11.  Liu PY, Yuen KC, Wu LC, Tian GL and LI T* (2020). Zero-one-inflated simplex regression models for the analysis of continuous proportion data.  Statistics and Its Interface, in press.




·     Area 3: Incomplete categorical data analysis and EM/MM algorithms

            (30 papers; Current Research Interest)



12.  Zhang C, Tang ML, Li T, Sun Y, Tian GL* (2020). A new multivariate Laplace distribution based on the mixture of normal distributions (in Chinese). Sci Sin Math, in press.

13.  Tian GL, Liu Y*, Tang ML and Li T (2019). A novel MM algorithm and the mode-sharing method in Bayesian computation for the analysis of general incomplete categorical data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 140, 122-143.

14.  Shan G, Hutson A, Wilding G, Ma CX and Tian GL (2019). Efficient statistical inference for a parallel study with missing data by using an exact method. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 29(3), 478-490.

15.  Jiang YL, Tian GL and Fei Y* (2019). A robust and ecient estimation method for partially nonlinear models via a new MM algorithmStatistical Papers, in press. 

16.  Shen X, Ma CX, Yuen KC and Tian GL* (2019). Common risk difference test and interval estimation of risk difference for stratified bilateral correlated data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 28(8), 2418-2438.

17.  Zhuang TT, Tian GL and Ma CX* (2019). Homogeneity test of ratio of two proportions in stratified bilateral data. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 11(3), 200-209.

18.  Huang XF, Xu JF* and Tian GL (2019). On profile MM algorithms for gamma frailty survival models.  Statistica Sinica 29, 895-916. 

19.  Tian GL, Huang XF* and Xu JF (2019). An assembly and decomposition approach for constructing separable minorizing functions in a class of MM algorithms.  Statistica Sinica 29, 961-982.

20.  Zhuang TT, Tian GL and Ma CX* (2019). Confidence intervals for proportion ratios of stratified correlated bilateral data. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 29(1), 203-225. 

21.  Li HQ, Tian GL, Tang NS and Cao HY* (2018). Assessing non-inferiority for incomplete paired-data under non-ignorable missing mechanism. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 127, 69-81.

22.  Tian GL, JU D,Yuen KC and Zhang C* (2018). New expectation-maximization-type algorithms via stochastic representation for the analysis of truncated normal data with applications in biomedicine. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 27(8), 2459-2477.

23.  Li HQ, Tang NS, Tian GL, Cao HY* (2018). Testing the equality of risk difference among multiple incomplete two-way contingency tables. Statistics and Its Interface 11(2), 353-368.

24.  Tian GL, Zhang C* and Jiang XJ (2018). Valid statistical inference methods for a case control study with missing data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 27(4), 1001–1023.

25.  Tian GL and Li HQ* (2017). A new framework of statistical inferences based on the valid joint sampling distribution of observed counts in an incomplete contingency table. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 26(4), 1712–1736.

26.  Li HQ*, Tian GL, Jiang XJ and Tang NS (2016). Testing hypothesis for a simple ordering in incomplete contingency tables. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 99, 25-37.

27.  Pei YB, Tian GL and Tang ML (2014). Testing homogeneity of proportion ratios for stratified correlated bilateral data in two-arm randomize clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine 33(25), 4370-4386.

28.  Li HQ, Chan ISF, Tang ML, Tian GL and Tang NS (2014). Confidence-interval construction for rate ratio in matched-pair studies with incomplete data. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 24(3), 546-568.

29.  Tang ML, He XJ and Tian GL (2013). A confidence interval approach for comparative studies involving binary outcomes in paired organs. Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Computation 42, 425–453.

30.  Tian GL, Tang ML and Liu CL (2012). Accelerating the quadratic lower-bound algorithm via optimizing the shrinkage parameter. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 56(2), 255-265. 

31.  Tang ML, Li HQ, Chan ISF and Tian GL (2011). On confidence interval construction for establishing equivalence of two binary-outcome treatments in matched-pair studies in the presence of incomplete data. Statistics in Biosciences 3(2), 223-249. 

32.  Tang ML, Ling MH, Ling L and Tian GL (2010). Confidence intervals for a difference between proportions based on paired data. Statistics in Medicine 29(1), 86-96. 

33.  Tian GL, Tang ML, Yuen KC and Ng KW (2010). Further properties and new applications for the nested Dirichlet distribution. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 54, 394-405.

34.  Tang ML, Ling MH and Tian GL (2009). Exact and approximate unconditional confidence intervals for proportion difference in the presence of incomplete data. Statistics in Medicine 28, 625-641.

35.  Ng KW, Tang ML, Tian GL and Tan M (2009). The nested Dirichlet distribution and incomplete categorical data analysis. Statistica Sinica 19(1), 251-271.

36.  Ng KW, Tang ML, Tan M and Tian GL (2008). Grouped Dirichlet distribution: A new tool for incomplete categorical data analysis. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 99(3), 490-509.  

37.  Tang ML, Ng KW, Tian GL and Tan M (2007). On improved EM algorithm and confidence interval construction for incomplete r x c tables. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 51(6), 2919-2933.

38.  Tan M, Fang HB, Tian GL and Wei G (2005). Testing multivariate normality in incomplete data of small sample size. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 93, 164-179.

39.  Tian GL, Ng KW and Geng Z (2003). Bayesian computation for contingency tables with incomplete cell-counts. Statistica Sinica 13(1), 189-206.

40.  Tan M, Fang HB, Tian GL and Houghton PJ (2002). Small-sample inference for incomplete longitudinal data with truncation and censoring in tumor xenograft models. Biometrics 58(3), 612-620.

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