

Integrative High Dimensional Inference with Heterogeneity under Data Sharing Constraints

Prof. Yin XIA,Fudan University

2020-11-26 16:00-17:00

Tencent Meeting ID: 919 850 940

Functional Martingale Residual Process for High-Dimensional Cox Regression with Model Averaging

Prof. Yanyan Liu,Wuhan University

2020-11-21 17:00-18:00

Tencent Meeting ID: 689 631 243

Covariate-adaptive randomization with variable selection in clinical trials

Prof. Jianxin Yin,Renmin University of China

2020-11-21 16:00-17:00

Tencent Meeting ID: 689 631 243

Model-free Subsampling Method Based on Uniform Designs

Prof. Yong-Dao Zhou,Nankai University

2020-11-21 15:00-16:00

Tencent Meeting ID: 689 631 243

Partition-Mallows Model and Its Inference for Rank Aggregation

Prof. Ke Deng,Tsinghua University

2020-11-21 14:00-15:00

Tencent Meeting ID: 689 631 243

High-dimensional tensor quantile regression

Prof. Heng LIAN,City University of Hong Kong

2020-11-19 16:00-17:00

Tencent Meeting ID: 231 992 556

Unified Rules of Renewable Weighted Sums for Various Online Updating Estimations

Prof. Lu Lin,Shandong University

2020-11-19 15:00-16:00

Tencent Meeting ID: 151 246 678


Prof. Li-Ping ZHU, Renmin University of China

2020-11-12 17:00-18:00

Room 202, Lychee Hills No.1

Network Embedding and Community Detection in Directed Networks

Prof. Junhui Wang, City University of Hong Kong

2020-11-12 15:30-16:30

Tencent Meeting ID:316 472 869

Sparse principal component analysis via axis-aligned random projections

Dr. Tengyao Wang

2020-11-04 16:30-17:30

Tencent Meeting ID: 973 818 153 Password: 1104